BioPhorum Report: AR/VR Risk Considerations for Biopharma

  • Published:
    Jul 14, 2023
  • Category:
    Case Study
  • Topic:
    Augmented Reality

Download the AR/VR BioPhorum Report

Are you debating whether or not to implement extended reality solutions within your GxP biopharma environment? Then this BioPhorum Report is for you:

Risk considerations for the implementation of extended reality solutions within a GxP environment in the biopharma industry

Take a look inside to find out what critical elements to consider before deployingAR/VR technology within your organization.

What’s Inside

This report will give you access to the latest industry insights on AR/VR in the biopharma space:

Deploying Extended Reality in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Extended reality (XR) is a term used to encompass different types of immersive technologies that integrate both digital and physical environments. It includes augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR).

XR solutions are often linked to home entertainment and the gaming industry; however, they are becoming more common in the workplace in various industries, including healthcare and biopharma. When implementing this technology in GxP environments, careful thought must be given to the risks associated with deployment.

Risk Assessment: The Experts Weigh In

Leading industry experts, including Apprentice, worked together to develop this BioPhorum paper to highlight the risk considerations in different categories such as:

  • Organizational interest
  • Local country laws
  • Company policies
  • IT hardware/software standards

The report also includes risk/impact statements to provide context for the risks being considered.

The risk considerations are intended to support traditional risk assessment processes. It also provides the areas of risk for IT professionals and users of these technologies at biopharma organizations to consider when developing the technology internally or implementing an off-the-shelf product.

About BioPhorum

BioPhorum’s mission is to create environments where the global biopharmaceutical and device industry can collaborate and accelerate its rate of progress, for the benefit of all.

Since its inception in 2004, BioPhorum has become the open and trusted environment where senior leaders of the biopharmaceutical industry come together to openly share and discuss the emerging trends and challenges facing their industry.

Our Featured Author

Meet Adam, our AR/VR expert & champion

We’re delighted to feature Adam Cormack as our featured thought leader and contributing author of this piece.

As a Director of Product Management at Apprentice, Adam brings over a decade of experience overseeing every aspect of product within the Life Sciences industry.

Adam brings a comprehensive knowledge of AR/VR technologies, digital operations, product strategy, and product execution to the Apprentice team.

Adam is responsible for our virtual collaboration platform Tandem, as well as overseeing our Product Operations.

“Organizations commonly want to incorporate AR/VR into every aspect of their operations from the start, which presents issues for change management. Start with a specific use case, learn from it and make any necessary adjustments, then scale it up.”

— Adam Cormack, Director of Product Management, Apprentice

Adam’s passion for AR/VR technology motivated him to collaborate on this report. He hopes that the insights inside will be a helpful resource to industry professionals looking to learn more about how to leverage these technologies for pharmaceutical manufacturing.

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