Pharma’s Unified Race Toward a COVID Treatment

  • Published:
    Jun 9, 2020
  • Category:
  • Topic:
    Life Sciences

The Fight Against a Common Enemy: Pharma’s Unified Race Toward a COVID Treatment

Just as the world slowed down, hoping to pause time while the COVID-19 pandemic gained a foothold in every corner of the world, pharma began to move with unprecedented speed. Even this competition-rich industry came together in an attempt to pull off extraordinary new achievements in treatments, therapies and vaccines unlike ever before.

With a heaviness hanging over the industry, pharma teams are pushing forward at warp speed to deliver safe treatments to market. Over 200 COVID therapy trials are already underway. Progress through collaboration has greatly increased as these teams come together to defeat a mutual enemy – one who is currently threatening our ability to return to normal.

But the path to drug development is never smooth. In the best of circumstances, it requires extremely careful planning, organization, communication and quick problem solving. Anything less will result is unsafe batches, lower yields and poor quality.

Drug companies are now preparing to scale-up production to the hundreds of millions of doses that will be needed, some without ever having done so before. Without the proper infrastructure in place to support the process, they could experience major production delays that will trickle down to the general public anxiously awaiting a cure for coronavirus.

Accelerate the Pace of Pharma Innovation

Many pharma leaders are turning to intelligent solutions that bring greater insight and analytics to the table, accelerating the pace of innovation. The notion being that with advanced data, easier collaboration and workflow tools that encourage more efficient, reliable execution, the world may see a promising vaccine delivered in the near future.

As pharma grows from this experience, implementing long-term innovative technology and developing emergency contingency plans with rapidly available solutions that support supply chains, these organizations as a whole will be better able to meet the pandemic challenges of tomorrow.

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